“Josh has worked in the conservation field for nearly twenty years for some of the most reputable environmental agencies in the area, to include SCDHEC, SCDNR, and USFWS. His work has covered an expansive spread of environmental aspects from water quality to endangered species. He has worked extensively to sustain and restore populations of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, American Kestrels, and numerous migratory songbird species. His great diversity of experiences is enough to make any environmental professional impressed and envious, and it gives Josh a holistic environmental worldview that most who work in his field do not possess. As a result, he is able to “connect the dots” that others have not even considered connecting. Josh addresses the world’s environmental challenges with this holistic view. This is of great importance because of the vast number of components which must be addressed to bring about the environmental change necessary to sustain this Earth. To name just a few, we must work with species, science, policies, real-world practices, and people. Those who have seen the greatest spread of these components and who have a demonstrated success at integrating them will be the most successful agents of change for the future of our environment. Josh is one of those individuals.
Through these multifaceted endeavors, Josh has fervently sought to further his knowledge and especially that of others. This passion is exemplified through the many volunteer education events he leads. These have included events at state parks, national wildlife refuges, and many other venues. Furthermore, they have been carried out for numerous entities, including the SC Wildlife Federation. Anyone who has been on a nature walk with Josh leaves with a positive energy for the natural world. Having watched him, it is clear to me that the ultimate goal of his pursuits is the sharing of knowledge. Josh realizes that all he has learned is worth nothing unless shared. Many minds have been and will be positively influenced by his words.”
"He helps opposing interests understand options and consequences..."
“In my capacity serving as chairman of the Kershaw County Conservation District, I need knowledgeable scientists to advise and educate. Josh is both extremely knowledgeable as well as capable of understanding and explaining complex issues. He is resourceful in finding and promoting solutions to problems. He helps opposing interests understand options and consequences and how actions, or lack of actions, will impact all of them. There is nothing like a day in the field with Josh. His incredible knowledge of the natural world and his great sense of humor combine to make for an informative and extremely fun time.”
"...a naturalist renaissance man..."
“Working out in the field with Josh is like working with a naturalist renaissance man – he can tell you about different species from plants to insects to birds and mammals, speak about ecological niches and webs, and also say something about the human historical and cultural context of the land you see before you! His extensive knowledge, curiosity and enthusiasm for all he sees around him is contagious.”
“I have dedicated better than a decade to Environmental Education all over the great state of South Carolina. I am actively involved in connecting people to nature – anyone and everyone from kindergarten to the college students and professionals that I teach on a daily basis. If I can’t be the one teaching them, there is no one whom I’d rather have in my place than Josh Arrants. His almost encyclopedic knowledge combined with his unfettered zeal for lessons that are both enlightening and unforgettable. In fact, I would revise my statement to say that I would rather have Josh Arrants, even if I was there – just so that I could reap the benefits of basking in his knowledgeable exuberance.”
"...a rare treasure..."
“Naturalists are curious, observant, and passionate about the world around them. This has been my experience with Josh. He enjoys sharing his enthusiasm and knowledge about nature with others and is continually motivated to expand on that knowledge. Since 2010, Josh has led several nature walks and tours for the Kershaw Conservation District, and is by far the most dependable, entertaining, and knowledgeable professional I have worked with during my time as Coordinator for the District. One of his respected colleagues once compared Josh to a “rare treasure” hidden in these parts. I know the affiliates and commissioners of the Kershaw Soil and Water Conservation District would agree with me when I say that our programs have greatly been enhanced since Josh became a part of our outreach efforts. ”
"...engages and enthralls his students."
“Whether a student is an eight-year-old on his first experience in the woods or a retiree looking for adventure, Josh engages and enthralls his students. He uses his extensive scientific knowledge and a rare talent for storytelling to help us make connections, connections that expand our understanding of the natural environment and our place in it. As we all know, a knowledgeable and passionate teacher can open our eyes, awaken our potential, and change our lives at any age. For so many, Josh has ignited new passion for and commitment to our natural heritage in his classes, and he makes the experience such great fun.”